Today was Walker's first day back to school.
This will be Walker's last year in preschool. I'm not sure how I feel about that - ask me again after we get adjusted to our new routine and the newness wears off. He will be there Tuesday through Thursday. My preschool is a bit different than most in our community. It runs from 10 - 2 instead of 9 - 1. To some that seems really odd. To others it just isn't a good fit. To still others they are constantly asking "why?". To me it never really mattered. For whatever reason, it worked for us. Now with two at the elementary school, I love it. In the morning, I can get the big two deposited where they need to be, and then have some time to get my kitchen clean and also some time to play with my babies before they go to school. In the afternoon, it gives me just enough time to read with the little ones and catch up on their day before the other two get home and the craziness of activities, homework, play dates, dinner, and bath begins.One of our favorite things to do before preschool is go to the preschool and play on the playground, therefore, it is fitting that we ended up there prior to school beginning.
Walker is in the same class that both Mary Frances and Stephen were in for 4K. For that I am thankful! The teacher is wonderful - kind, calm, loving, experienced. Most importantly, particularly for my Number Three, she realizes that all children are individuals, and she respects those individual character traits. Not to mention - those children leave that classroom ready to brave the halls of an elementary school. This year she is joined by another fabulous teacher who embodies the same characteristics. I have dubbed them the "Dynamic Duo".
I think it is going to be a great year.
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