We had a picnic...
They played some more...
Betsy loved swinging...
The babies napped. I saw my two clients. We walked to the elementary school to pick big sister up from Bible Club. We played on the playground there. I completed a few more chores, helped gather 100 items for the 100th Day of School celebration, threw supper together, and listened to MFS read. Frank and I went to our first small group of the New Year. I continued to wrap my head around having 30 people for dinner on Friday. I toted boxes to the street ~ attempted to organize my sewing and fabric. I made a vow to buy NO new fabric until I have used what I just put away. Maybe I can get to my machine on Saturday!
All in all a GREAT day! How about you?
Does look like a great day!! Tell Stephen when he can whistle at Betsy as she crawls by, then he'll be a real construction worker!! Love the pictures.