March Inn

Why"March Inn?" March Inn was the name of that magic place where I spent my summers growing up. I have alluded to this place before, and I probably will again. March Inn is no longer standing. The waters of Katrina rendered it unlivable so my children will never know that "March Inn." That makes me sad. In fact it brings me to tears whenever I think about it. I want my children to have their own "March Inn," and I want to capture our lives as they are growing and changing. I invite you to "march inn" to our lives. My hope is that you will catch glimpses of the real world. You will see our creations. You will see our chaos. You will see our affection. You will also see our frustrations, fears, and disappointments. Enjoy your march!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Exhausted, In a Funk, and No Allergies Here

Hey Friends,

I'm tired! Real tired! And I don't feel all that great either. I just put my little ones down for a nap, and I would love to crawl into my bed too.

Yes they are both thumb suckers - how sweet are they?

I would take my own nap except that I'm not sure I would wake up for my afternoon full of responsibilities. I promised Stephen I would come to chapel with his class today. He has been asking me to come for months. I finally remembered to ask the director of the preschool if it was okay. Since I am not going to take the nap I am going to consciously waste this time on the computer. I'm going to create a blog post and filter through some materials that I want to introduce to my children during lent.
Do you ever look around your house at the little messes and just wish that someone else would come take care of it? To be honest, I do. The sad truth is that even if someone would come pick up the stickers that didn't quite make it into the box when the boys were cleaning up this morning or wipe up the splatters of juice from the apple Stephen munched for a morning snack...

or put away the empty grocery bags...
or even do the laundry or the dishes there would always be more to do. And the job probably wouldn't be done completely or to my satisfaction so I would possibly have to come finish it anyway. I may as well do it myself and do it with a grateful heart.

And be thankful for small favors - Without being asked, Walker put the groceries in the pantry and Stephen picked up all of the legos they played with this morning.

Earlier, I left my babies in the kitchen {safely contained} eating their lunch while I ran to the computer to send a quick e-mail to the moms of Stephen's classmates looking for carpool volunteers for this afternoon. When I came back, the remains of Walker's peanut butter and honey sandwich were on Betsy's tray. While she has turned one, I have not introduced her to peanuts. She is happy eating other things so I was just going to wait a while longer - probably closer to 18 or 24 months like I did with my other three. Oh well, she enjoyed it and had no adverse side effects so hopefully we will remain free from peanut allergies.

Okay, I'm off to peruse that material I alluded to. However, while I was snapping some pictures, I took care of all the little things that needed to be done. Don't worry there is still more to do! Isn't there always? But at least I will feel better when I walk back in the door at 5:00 after carpool, banking, ballet, and they zoo.

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