Tuesday was the day!
We started the day by taking my Odyssey to the dealership for them to listen to a noise and replace some recalled parts. If you have four children 5 and under, you know this was a process. Fortunately Frank has a car that will also hold four car seats. We only had to move two car seats because he already had his mom's base for the pumpkin seat, and I let Mary Frances ride in the booster.
Then we went to Krispy Kreme for a birthday breakfast. Definitely not healthy but oh so much fun! You may be asking: What do they see down there?
This my friends is in my mind the only way to eat a doughnut ~
Hot and ready ~ Fresh glazed doughnuts!
We let the crew choose their poison ~ for them the more sugar the better. I think they each chose some variety with chocolate and sprinkles. And yes, that is on top of the glaze. And since Frank was with us you know there was chocolate milk involved.
All in all a fun birthday breakfast! Definitely a treat!
Next we all rode together to go downtown. Frank left us to go to his office, and we made our way to the church. Parking during the work day is the only downfall of going to a church downtown.Here's my lull in pictures. I think Stephen had a special day in VBS. During music they brought him to the front and prayed a birthday prayer before singing "happy birthday". I wasn't there to see it, but by all accounts it was pretty special. We went to Frank's office to eat lunch ~ {don't you know they love seeing me walk through those doors with my crew of four}. Home for quiet time and naps ~ the boys were asleep before we got to the expressway and amazingly they both transferred to their beds.
While they slept Mary Frances made name cards and helped me with this ~ As I was thinking about Stephen's birthday, I was a little sad because it was just going to be us Frank, the children and Steve. Without additional family in town to invite and while living at Steve's house it seemed just like any other night. Trust me, this was an issue for me not my son. We opened presents before we ate and his reaction with each gift was genuine pleasure and excitement.
The highlights ~
After dinner we enjoyed birthday cake.
Sweet Stephen, you are always the first to share. You have the largest most giving heart and a dynamic personality that allows you to make conversation with anyone. You are observant and thoughtful. You are also a leader and one tough cookie. You accept criticism and learn from your mistakes. You are loved by many...
You may not feel four but you are one of the most amazing four year olds I know. I am thankful that I get to call you my son and I am amazed that God trusted me to bring you into this world and attempt to raise you in His ways.
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