Without further ado, I guess it's time for a house update. The stone is moving painstakingly slow, but I think that's okay. I would like to think we can get our certificate of occupancy without the entire house being stoned. That is probably wishful thinking! We just need to get the stone around the exterior doors so they can be installed. I've laughed with the head mason that his crew started our job with the foundation, and they are going to fish the job with our stone.
Most of the sheetrock is in ~ taped and mudded.Our beams have been delivered and will begin to go in on the next rainy day. As soon as that is complete the remainder of the sheetrock can go in.
The interior doors, cabinets, and hardwood floors have been ordered.
A coat of stucco has been applied and the wood separation has been primed.The trim carpenter arrived yesterday to begin what I understand is a very slow process.
The details are coming together.
Through lots of prayer and patience and some trips to Mobile, the lake, and the creek I will make it and it will be worth the ride.
Funny, Chris was just asking for a construction update. Looking good!