Well, Sunday evening after the children were in bed it was me not them who spoke them aloud to Frank. After a fun, full weekend, mostly spent outside with friends and family, I was asking "do we have to?" about taking Mary Frances to school this week. I was ready for summer to be in full swing.
One more week and we will all be done!
Changing gears ~ As most of you know, I am a huge proponent of the public library. Over the years there are few story times that I have missed. Mrs. Cat, one of the favorite librarians, has even teased me for being such a good patron. Each year there is a kick-off celebration for the local library's summer reading program. It involves a fun run and a carnival. We have never participated because we have always had napping children. This year was different. We have two children who don't nap and two children who need to nap so we decided we would put the nappers in the double stroller and each of us would run with the big two.
Treats after the race and festivities.
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