We made snickerdoodle cookies, heath bar cookies, two recipes of Norval's whipping cream pound cake, boxed brownies, and a batch of white chocolate peanut butter bites. If it sounds like a lot it was. The children had fun preparing cookie batter and packaging the cookies. They were probably the most helpful and entertained when they put labels on the bags. That is of course until the actual sale but more on that later.
As you can tell we've spent a lot of time in the kitchen ~ baking, packaging, and labelling baked goods.
In other news, it's been another busy week though the camera didn't come out too much.
Some park playing:
Some sewing but sadly not enough for pictures.
Snacks for Mary Frances' class ~ I made these homemade granola bars. I have issues with Norval's oven so I cooked them a tad too long but they were still tasty. I can't wait to try them again.
Summer Goody Baskets for my Kiddos ~ new crocs, beach towels, swim diapers, skills practice workbooks.
First Field Day ~
Planning for some Lake Living ~