Fast from criticism, and feast on praise.
Fast from self-pity, and feast on joy.
Fast from ill temper, and feast on peace.
Fast from resentment, and feast on contentment.
Fast from jealousy, and feast on love.
Fast from pride, and feast on humility.
Fast from selfishness, and feast on service.
Fast from fear, and feast on faith
Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of lent. Lent is a somber season in the church year but when observed it makes the sacrifice of Jesus' death on the cross more real and his resurrection so much more glorious and powerful.
Over the years, I typically try to give up something that I love such as chocolate and take something on such as writing a daily letter to a friend or family member. Both involve sacrifice though nothing holds a candle to the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us. The small sacrifices I make when done with Jesus at the forefront of my mind take me to the cross daily, hourly, sometimes minutely and help me know and feel His love and the depth of the sacrifice He made. This year I will do some variation of those while also working with our children on having a servant heart. {An idea is brewing...} Today also marks a year since Norval was taken home. A year in which a lot has happened and a lot has changed yet it is still does not seem real that Norval is gone and that she has not experienced the highs and lows with us. She was truly larger than life and touched so many. Her memory certainly lives on for those of us who knew her. Today in the devotional Jesus Calling, Sarah Young closes with this, "Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others." That epitomizes Norval!
As you know we are living in Norval's house and there are reminders of her everywhere. The little sign pictured above sits in the window sill above her kitchen sink. I love it's message and it's simplicity. God is good ~always though sometimes when you are caught in the moment when tragedy strikes, death occurs, disease is diagnosed, life gets hectic, etc it is easy to lose sight of this truth. This sign is a precious reminder oh God's goodness ~ ALWAYS!
I had hopes of making it to church this morning, but the weather is dreadful so my babies and I will be sticking close to home. Honestly, it is raining so much and so hard that I wish I could keep Mary Frances home too.
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