I'm struggling here...it's not that we haven't done anything or been anywhere it's just that I am not inspired to put words together and give them any element of excitement. Here's an update...

Last week I spent most of the week home with sick children. I don't love for my children to be puny, but I do love the extra snuggle time that it provides. We had many ordinary moments without the hustle and bustle of our ordinary routine.

On Friday, Frank went on a men's retreat with our church and Mary Frances got out of school at noon so I took advantage of some extra hours and a husband away. I packed our bags and the children and headed to Mobile for the weekend. My mom loves to see us, and it just doesn't happen frequently enough especially now that I have a school age child. It is tough to slip away and often when we arrive in Mobile we have a laundry list of people to see and things to do. Not so this trip because we weren't going for any particular reason except that we could. Sadly, I did not take a single picture, but we had a good weekend with my mom, my brother, his wife and daughter, and friends.
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