Excuse me while spend some time reminiscing in hopes of explaining a bit...I am a sun, sand, and salt air type of person ~ I grew up in south Alabama and was blessed to spend my summers "over the bay." When school was released for the summer we loaded the car and moved to my great-grandparents' bay house until school started back after Labor Day. During this time we made only a handful of trips across the bayway for appointments, to do laundry, my great-grandmother's annual shopping trip to the Gem Shop. My double first cousins who lived in New York spent six weeks with us. The five of us grew up skiing behind a 14 foot Stauter with a 25 horsepower engine, riding our bikes up and down the boardwalk, sleeping on a sleeping porch or in the bunk room that I shared with Maggie when my Yankee Cousins {please don't take offense} were in residence, playing quadruple solitaire and checkers on rainy days, sneaking into the Grand Hotel pool {that is probably the most rebellious thing I did in my entire childhood/adolescence}, gigging flounder, pulling up crab traps baited with "little stinkers" caught with cane poles using bacon of all things for bait ~ {those are catfish for anyone not a part of my family}, nibbling lumps of fresh crab meat as quickly as MaMa could pick it, pulling a seine for shrimp, and catching pounds of seafood during jubilees. These are but a few of the countless memories that I will forever cherish of my childhood summers. Point Clear is, always has been, and always will be my magic place. It's where I want to be when life gets rough or when tragedy strikes. I want to dangle my legs over the edge of the wharf and listen to the waves crash against the beach. I want to bury my feet in the sand or stroll down the boardwalk to Julep Point in one direction or the other way towards Zundels. It is my refuge ~ mainly a mental refuge these days but nonetheless where I find solace. In fact when I think too much about any one of these memories it brings me to tears. Nevertheless Point Clear remains my magic place and I hope each of you has your own magic place with the same fond memories that I hold for "over the bay".
Okay, on with our mountain vacation...
Check out Exhibit Number One:

Exhibit Number Two:
And so I ramble...I've never been known for getting the point across quickly or eloquently. The bottom line is that we had a blast and I understand why Linville is Scarlett's magic place. Linville will never replace Point Clear in my own mind but who's to say one can't have multiple magic places. It might run a close second with a different set of activities in which to partake. I wish I had more pictures of the inside of this house but it was truly March Inn in the mountains. This fact alone might be why I understood the magic of Linville. I wish my mother, and grandmother, father, and brother, cousins, and everyone who spent countless hours at our house over they bay could see this house and attest to the similarity of details. Everything from the beaded board to the wall decor, bunk beds, braided rugs from another generation, multiple sets of mismatched silverware, ancient cutlery, hordes of towels, a hammock and rocking chairs, the bugs, the smells, and the dampness of the toilet paper reminded my of my first magic place.
Goodnight for now but I promise I will be back soon with enough pictures to make you snore and all of the wonderful details to make your groan.
Your Pt. Clear talk brought back so many memories. My time there was short, but I definitely felt the magic.
ReplyDeleteTo this day, an outside fan takes me back to sleeping on the sleeping porch...everyone right there...the water lapping on the shore. Easily some of the best sleeping...despite no a/c.
I also remember trying to learn to ski behind the Stauter...never did.
I remember helping fix dinner. Cooking was fun there - not so much at home!
I remember playing cards and not even missing the tv.
I remember steamroller, a bridesmaid luncheon, and several impromptu get togethers.
I remember prom night on the wharf and a young Chris telling me he didn't want to date anyone else some 17 years ago!
I remember singing on the pier with one of the Nash twins.
I remember shuffleboard with Alex pretending to be blind. Oh, I could go on and on...
Now I'm a little sad too!
Glad y'all had a good trip. Can't wait to see y'all soon!