I think Stephen has the bug and has it bad. Now that I am here, I recall this sentiment from the time we spent at Point Clear last summer. My middle child loves this place which is wonderful beyond words to me. I actually have tears in my eyes as I type because it gives me such joy. There is also a touch of sadness behind those tears since we can't just jump in the car and make weekend jaunts to March Inn. This sadness is deepened as I think how the impact of the BP oil spill is going to change the world as I know it, but that is another story for another day.
Don't get me wrong I think everyone in my family has had a fabulous time and would love to come back again and again, but Stephen in particular has loved being over the bay. He has played hard and unfortunately not slept as hard. He rises early and goes to bed late. He wants to do it all ~ fish, crab, swim, sail, play in the sand, jump in the waves, watch the boats, point out the pelicans and seagulls, ride bikes {or trikes as the case may be}, and just watch the waves crash on the beach.
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