The Gift... 
I finished my sister 'n law's baby gift just in the nick of time.
As I was sitting at my machine putting together this gown, I had some time to think. I made a couple of realizations about my sewing and smocking. Because I have now put together many different garments for my three children, my construction is much improved over those items I first made for Mary Frances however my smocking leaves something to be desired. I think it is because prior to children when I sat down to smock I sat down to smock. I wasn't grabbing a cable stitch here and a trellis stitch there in between all the other things of our daily life. Note to self - be more intentional when you sit down to smock!
The Shower...
The Flowers...
Not as pretty as in the picture in Southern Living but got the job done ~ cheered me up, provided a touch of spring and color to the table.
The Concert...
It was a busy weekend and we haven't even gotten to Sunday yet ~ a quiet family night Friday, baby shower in Montgomery Saturday morning, haircut late Saturday afternoon, and dinner guests Saturday evening.
As I was climbing into bed Friday, I made the realization that we could not all sit at our dining room table. Typically when we have company it is our family and one other so we all {adults and children} sit at the dining room table. We can squeeze 8 or more into our dining room table but the reality is that it comfortably seats 6 so the wheels started turning. I decided that I would put the 6 adults at the dining room table plus the high chair and the 6 children in the kitchen at the breakfast room table. We have a pub table that can open to comfortably seat 6 in our kitchen. We turned it, opened it, moved it to use the chairs and church pew for seating, covered it with butcher paper, and let the children go. They had a ball! They played, they colored, they ate lasagna, they played some more, they ran around the house, they sang, they screamed, they ate trifle, and they performed. Pictured above is the best I could do for a photo opportunity and comes no where near capturing it all. The picture is of the concert they put on for us. What a joyful noise!
We enjoyed a comfortable dinner with friends Saturday night. It was really nice to be with good friends who we don't see often enough. The children were well behaved and entertained themselves while we visited around the table.
We enjoyed a comfortable dinner with friends Saturday night. It was really nice to be with good friends who we don't see often enough. The children were well behaved and entertained themselves while we visited around the table.
Looking forward to what this day has in store...
I love the gown!! It looks so good...what's the smocking plate?? Also, love the concert...too cute!!