Bibs for babies are essential at one time or another. My favorite are made by Circo and come from Target ~ relatively inexpensive, cute, and easy to clean.
However, sometimes you need something a bit dressier ~ either because you are going out or you just need a change of scenery.
The above photo was the inspiration behind this creation. When Walker was born I received two super cute bibs monogrammed with his name. They were my "go to" bibs when we were leaving the house or having company. They were really cute and easy to throw in the washing machine. Bottom line ~ I might like them more than my Target standbys.
So, I've been at my machines again and this time I've created what I think is a super easy bib. I made mine with a scrap of white pique and white terry cloth for the backing. I embroidered a green cross on it. You could put a name or an applique instead of the cross.
Check out my models ~ bedhead and all. {That's why we keep a spray bottle in the bathroom with the brush.} I couldn't get a picture of just the bid because I am not a very good photographer, and I couldn't get the light to cooperate.
Of course I can't ever sit down and accomplish a task at one sitting, but if I had this bid would have taken less than an hour including the time it took to cut the pattern, embroider the cross, put it together, and attach the Velcro. I am definitely going to make some more of these jewels. I have two girly gifts I need to make. I will try to do them start to finish to give you a better idea of the time involved.
Mary Frances and I are attending a very special baby shower this weekend and I am going to wrap this sweet bib up from my sweet pea. My gift is still in the works...will try to post later.
1. trace your favorite baby bib
2. add 1/4 inch for a seam allowance
3. cut out for your pattern ~ I often use the newspaper to make my own patterns
4. cut bib out of two different fabrics
5. embellish front (or not ~ you choose)
6. stitch right sides together leaving a 1-2 inch opening for turning ~ (*tip - leave the opening on a straight edge to make it easier to close)
7. turn using bodkin to smooth seams
8. topstitch edge to create a finished look and close opening
9. stitch a square of Velcro for closure
10. Voila! Ready to wrap or wear!
So cute. Question though...when you used terry cloth, did you use a towel or can you buy terry cloth fabric? I will have to try this out soon!