Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
No, I do not have time for this and I know that, but I have decided I don’t have time not to. I once read in Real Simple magazine that the majority of blogs are of interest to only two people – the blogger and the blogger’s mother. That is probably true although I hope that my blog will also be of interest to my children, hopefully my husband, and probably my mother ‘n law. My goal in blogging is to create a chronicle of our lives – the joy, the chaos, and the tribulations. I want to capture the everyday moments that make our family. I want to remember it all – well at least most of it. I want to remember this precious time when they are so little because it is quickly passing. A dear friend says, “The days are long and the years are short.” How true that is! Mary Frances is turning 4 tomorrow, and I feel like time is slipping by. I want to remember the sweet things they say, the hilarious things they say and do, the snuggling, the kisses, the giggles, the smiles, the laughs, the determination, the successes, even the failures because they always do it better the next time. I will try not to give the boring details of the preschool board meetings, the volunteer activities, the errands, the sewing I don’t get done in addition to all of the other ideas I have with no time to implement, but I will try to relay the reality of our lives. I’m not going to sugar coat it. I’m not perfect (though the Lord and anyone who knows me knows that I want to be) so it isn’t always pretty…unfortunately I am stubborn and independent to a fault, I lose my patience, I get distracted, my children can whine and be demanding, the kitchen sink gets filled with dishes and sometimes albeit not often doesn’t get emptied until the next morning, the children’s clothes that they have outgrown are in complete disarray, the garden needs weeding, and you can’t even walk in the tool shed – just to name a few of the imperfections. Hey, this is life with a family with three children in less than three and a half years. Yet, we have fun together – we read, we cook, we play, we craft, we imagine, we entertain, we go on adventures, we sing, we pray, we create and most importantly we love each other and the Lord! knew I was going to have to check you out!! Now you have a reader other than hubby, mom, and mom-n-law!! Love your embroidery and hearing about the three kiddies. Have a good weekend!!