Not only do I need to catch up on all the odds and ends that have been neglected over the weekend while we have quality family time with daddy around, Monday is sheet changing and wash day around this house. I am always amused to see what my older two find to entertain themselves while I am stripping beds, starting laundry, and putting on clean sheets. Today, after finishing in their room and moving to my own, I kept hearing a loud bang. I left them playing "boats," but there is no telling what my children are going to come up with next. Mind you there were no tears so I knew no one was hurt, and there wasn't the too quiet sensation that tells all mothers that someone is getting into something they shouldn't. Nevertheless after several occurrences, I went to see what was going on. I opened the door to see both Mary Frances and Stephen sitting on his bed amid about 25 books with one being hurled across the floor. They know how much I dislike them to be disrespectful to books so I calmly asked what they were doing. Mary Frances replied that they were playing anchors under the sea. It was all I could do not to laugh. All summer I have been saying Stephen has boats and a love of the water in his blood...well maybe they both do.

Speaking of laundry - why do bananas stain so badly? Since this precious angel began eating bananas I have spent alot of time pre-treating and soaking banana stains.
He gets his picture taken tomorrow - scraped head and all. I haven't finished his outfit yet, but I don't have the heart to cancel for a second week in a row. (Last week we had a runny nose.) I had a brainstorm while brushing my teeth -that and drying my hair are often where they hit- He can where Stephen's first Easter outfit. Maybe I can finish his new outfit for church this Sunday. I'll keep you posted!
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