In our house, we typically aren't bored. There is always something to do, something to read, something to play with, something to build, or something to cook. We also have a greater than average number of people to play with who reside within this house. If none of those options are suitable at the given moment there is always a neighbor who can come over to help with issues of boredom. Sometimes fresh eyes make the same toys and same activities look so much more fun!
Thankfully, I rarely, hear the words, "I'm bored." After Mary Frances started kindergarten she tried the expression on for size. I heard a lot of "it's boring" and a few "I'm bored" statements, but I tried to squelch the attitude by saying "only boring people are boring." She didn't like that, and I don't hear it very much. Actually, come to think of it, I really don't ever hear it.
Anywho, over the last month we participated in a boredom buster bonanza. This scavenger hunt of sorts was hosted by the place where spent our summer swimming. It was a checklist of activities to complete as a family. It was a fun way to transition from the lazy days of summer to the grind of the school routine. We didn't complete all of the items, but we had fun trying. Sometimes the hardest part of the activity was getting a photograph with at least 50% of the family members present. For example you will see play a board game on the list of things we didn't do. The problem was we have no pictures of us playing a board game. I chose not to obsess and turn in our pictures giving it our best effort and not worry that we didn't do it all.
Here is a sampling of pictures from the activities we completed:
Recreate a famous work of art |
Create a family time capsule to open in one year |
Make homemade ice cream and eat it |
Make s'mores |
Donate five times to a local charity |
Make cookies and deliver to a local fire station |
Find large rocks and paint with the letters of your last name |
Have a family movie night complete with popcorn |
Read a book together as a family |
Have a paper airplane contest |
Have a picnic with baskets and blankets in your den |
Turn your driveway into a sidewalk chalk art gallery |
Have a themed dinner ~ "Magic Bean" from Jack and the Beanstalk |
Run through the sprinklers |
Build a fort in your den |
And the things we didn't complete:
~ create a comic strip using your family members as the characters
~ draw a map from your house to the swimming pool
~ paint your hands and make prints on paper - turn them into something else
~ play a board game
The checklist and pictures were due to the swimming pool on Saturday hence our errand before Pepper Place.
Here's to family fun!
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