Let me tell you he rose to the occasion and took it like a man. First, he readily admitted that he had done it. The others were admonished for letting it happen, and everyone lost their computer privileges until after Christmas. {Yes, you read right - that means no thirty minutes of Starfall for the next 2 1/2 months.} Walker lost his blanket for a week. Frank gave them their consequences and asked Walker to go get his blanket. The sweet boy went and handed it over with NO backtalk - there were no complaints, no excuses, no tears. There was not even a whimper or a whine. That isn't how he often comes across so I was quite proud of the way he handled himself.
To everyone we saw on Tuesday, Walker said, "I broke mama's computer. Daddy took my blanket." I said either he was proud of what had happened or he was remorseful. I think my dad is right in saying it was at least weighing heavily on his mind.
Enough about that. And so you don't lose sleep wondering how I can type, I was able to get most of the keys back on the keyboard. For that I was grateful!
Here is a picture of the front of the house for Frank who is out of town until this evening.
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