Betsy is four weeks old today. It is hard to believe that it was only four weeks ago that she entered this world and our family. In some ways it seems like yesterday. In others it feels like it was an eternity ago. I keep getting the question, "How are y'all doing?" My answer is always, "We're good," and really we are. All things considered we are doing well...
I hope...
I think...
I pray...
Betsy is a sweet baby. We all love her dearly! She is growing and definitely gaining weight. One morning this week as I put her in the car seat, I had to grab the camera to snap a picture of her chubby cheeks.

I chuckled because it is funny that a baby who doesn't weigh much over seven pounds {if that} looks huge. She still has her dark hair, and I don't really think it is falling out or turning lighter. It is beginning to stand up like the boys ~ some have said that might not be such a good look for a little girl. Time will tell what it is going to do!
She might be the ultimate "go-go girl!" Life goes on ~ I guess that's what number four gets! Betsy has been to church, to Greater Shiloh twice, to Crestline twice {once to volunteer and once for Mary Frances' super star lunch, to the library for an outing, one Toddler Tale storytime, and one Family Night, to Mobile and back within 12.5 hours, to the lake for a weekend, to St. Luke's more times than we can count, and to Bible study. She's seen a lot of snow and been poked, prodded and held by her adoring siblings.

I think whenever a new baby enters a family there is a time of survival. Maybe this is particularly true given the circumstances of our life. I'm trying really hard to have a good attitude, not to complain, or become frustrated with the day in and day out reality of four children, a house under construction, and living in someone else's home. It's not easy and to be honest I'm struggling. Poor Frank gets me on the phone at least once a week in tears over something.

It took me over a week to get to WalMart because there was always someone who needed to be fed, needed to be dropped off/picked up, or needed a nap. {I know welcome to my world for the next 18 years.} I'm trying really hard to be patient with everyone and everything. I'm trying really hard to have life go on as normal for my children ~ to cook with them, to read to them, to do crafty projects with them. Maybe that's part of the problem!

I am so thankful for our friends, our neighbors, our Bible study, Norval's friends, Frank's colleagues, and countless others. I'm thankful for all they have done to help us. I am particularly grateful for the meals. While I love cooking, it is nice not to think about what we are going to eat for dinner. For four weeks now, our refrigerator has been full and our freezer space is becoming limited. I am also appreciative of those who have toted my children to and from various places. It helps! I love that Frank has allowed me to get a nap or even multiple naps over the weekends. I need them!
Poor Betsy ~ almost every time we need to go to St. Luke's for pick up or drop off it is time for her to eat. Poor mom ~ just when I think I have a few minutes to do something, anything someone starts crying. When Walker arrived I wondered how I was ever going to complete a task again, and I'm not sure that I ever did accomplish finishing anything in a timely manner or as thoroughly as I would have liked. Now, I'm almost certain that no task will be completed until the very last moment, if then. It doesn't matter how prepared I am or how ready we seem to be, I have been late more times in the last four weeks than I would like to admit.
The things you forget ~ Between Mary Frances and Stephen I forgot how bad spit up and sour milk could smell. Between Stephen and Walker I don't think enough time had elapsed to forget anything. I was just thankful that Mary Frances and Stephen had built-in playmates and that Frank wasn't overly busy at work. Between Walker and Betsy, I forgot how much time you spend just sitting when you are nursing a baby. I forgot how isolating it can feel. Just to name a few...

The things you never forget ~ how quickly you grow to love a new addition to your family, how little their hands and feet seem, how they curl a hand and place it on their cheek or even better curl it around your hand or catch hold of a garment of your clothing, the sweet baby smells and gurgles, how much they sleep, the startle reflex, how thoughtful friends and family are, and how time passes so quickly! Just to name a few...

I can't believe she is four weeks old...