First and foremost we have been trying to get well! I think everyone's health is completely restored, and for that I am thankful. I just hope ShuShu is recovering and didn't come down with the fever flu-like bug. It is no fun to be sick.
Monday was a holiday Monday so Frank didn't go to work. We love holiday Mondays! Some of Frank's cousins stopped by for a visit on their way out of town. {We truly missed seeing everyone at the lake.}
We are adjusting to a life of six living in somone else's home. Mary Frances can't get enough time holding Betsy. It is the last thing she wants to do before leaving for school and the first thing she wants to do upon arriving home.
Why is picking up the phone to ask for help so hard for me? Call me stubborn! Call me independent ~ to a fault! Call it my pride! Call it the human condition of sin! Call it what you will but I've got a bad case of it! I think it is quite common among mothers particularly "stay at home mothers" though I have some friends who are so good at knowing there limits and being willing to ask others for help. I, unfortunately, don't have that gift. I want to feel like I can do it all and feel like I am in control of it all. It is good for me to be forced to step out of my comfort zone and to surrender and so I have picked up the phone to call on neighbors and Norval's friends who have over the last nine months graciously offered to help. And so I've picked up the phone to arrange transportation to and from school, ballet, and the pediatrician.
It's cold here ~ on Wednesday Steve came home at lunch and built a fire that burned the rest of the day. It was so nice! I think I was having withdrawals after a constant fire at the lake over Christmas and New Years and then three days of being home bound with ice.
I can't get enough Betsy pictures! So impressed at your ability to blog while keeping up with four little ones. Also glad you are taking lots of pictures of her. As a fellow fourth child, I know she will appreciate it!!