To all of you who typically receive a Christmas card, they are in the mail or will be shortly. I was waiting for our house demolition to try to take a picture so they will be late. Such is my life these days. Many were mailed from Birmingham, but the rest will be coming your way from Alexander City. I just want to keep you guessing on who it may be from.
To all of you who normally receive a little bag of cheesestraws in your mailbox, some of them just didn't get delivered and for that I apologize.
To all of you who receive a handmade ornament from my children, don't fret you just might have to wait until next year to hang them on your tree.
To all of you who receive a calendar with the family birthdays and pictures from throughout the year, they just might not happen. The pictures are ordered and sitting at the WalMart in Birmingham. I just didn't get there before we left town ~ maybe when I head in on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment.
With all of that said, my children and their cousin all have coordinating Christmas outfits, and I do have all of our presents wrapped and under the tree at the lake. {That doesn't mean a single present has been mailed.} Frank and I have planned menus filled with what we hope will be delicious food and lots of family time in the kitchen for the time we are hoping to be at the lake. Most of the ingredients are stored between two refrigerators, the pantry, and random other cabinets in the kitchen and even in the laundry room ~ truly you would think we were expecting a house party of 20 people for a fortnight. {Thank you to Steve who is bringing the dressing ingredients and turkey tomorrow.} Last night Frank was happy to see us begin consuming some of the many pounds of food that have come through the door.
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