It was a good weekend ~ busy yet relaxing and productive at the same time.
Frank returned home from Washington D.C. Friday afternoon. We all love it when he walks through the door particularly when he has been away for a couple of days.
He went to work in the yard ~ cut the grass, use the weed eater, and blow the mess ~ and left me with my little helper. She helped me finish picking up the house and get supper together for our dinner guests.
As an aside I want to share some thoughts about Mary Frances and her impending graduation from 4K and St. Luke's. Boy, I am going to miss her next year! Actually I think the boys might miss her more. It is going to be great and we are both ready {I think} to enter the world of "big school," but I have had many moments over the last few days where I am overcome with my emotions and become near tear when my thoughts linger too long on her ending her chapter at St. Luke's.
My children don't mind being in the kitchen with me. In fact they love to bake with me! They are also typically content to play at my feet, color, paint, or do play dough at the breakfast room table, or put on puppet shows among other things. Actually, Stephen can be quite content just sitting on the counter watching whatever I am doing. One of his favorite things of late is to watch me pour my half 'n half into my coffee so that it swirls and changes colors. However, on this particular day Mary Frances was extraordinarily helpful in making the salsa for our Cumin Crusted Soft Tacos. {This is one of my favorite make ahead, serves a crowd recipe ~ great for supper clubs!} The other items on the menu included fruit for the children and salad for the adults to go with the Tacos and Key Lime Pie for dessert. I have searched online for my key lime pie recipe because I know it was in an OLD Southern Living and a couple of people have asked for it. It must be so old that it isn't on the My Recipes website. Does that make it okay for me to post it?
Friday night ~ dinner with new friends. I say new friends because they are a couple who joined our small group fall before last. The reality is that Frank graduated from high school with one of them but we just didn't travel in the same close circle. We have truly enjoyed getting to know them as a couple and enjoy being with them as parents. The are a wonderful addition to our small group and I am very excited that their middle girl will be in Kindergarten with Mary Frances.
Saturday ~ a day spent working in the yard ~ Frank on the playhouse and me in the garden and a an adult birthday party with the children for dinner. I walked out the door without my camera and we were running SO late I didn't have the heart to go back in for it.
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