It's been way too long. Where has January gone? So many, including myself, look towards January as a slower paced month ~ a time without a full social calendar, a time of renewal, a time for purging and organization. Our January has certainly not been like that { it never is} but how can it be as a family of five. We have had a wonderful month thus far ~ full of wonderful things out of the routine! My pictures are few and far between however my camera is back in my hands after being shipped off for cleaning and repair. I need to start putting it to use. I will!
A quick recap of the biggies that have been occupying our time this month.
* Enjoying good quality family time when we have all been here together which has been not often enough because of travel, work, meetings, church, etc.
* Frank and I went to Park City for an ABA meeting. I skied, wrote thank you notes, read a book, typed and e-mailed board minutes, had a massage, smocked part of a dress for Mary Frances and most of all enjoyed time with my husband.
* I went to New York for a girl's weekend ~ a first~ I've only left my children with Frank one time before and that was about six weeks ago ~ just before Christmas when I went to Mobile to visit my grandmother. And then I was only gone for just over 24 hours! I still need to tell you about that day!
* Attended parent conferences for my two older ones ~ what is there to say at two and four ~ fortunately nothing of consequence for mine.
* A first haircut for Walker
* Hosting Girl's Supper Club ~ that's tomorrow so there is lots of cooking and cleaning to be done.
* Purging closets ~ making donations ~ enjoying new toys from Christmas and birthday
* Completing projects ~ more on that to come
* Dreaming up more projects and wishing I had the time
* Planning Easter, spring, and summer clothes ~ I'm trying desperately not to get ahead of myself ~ In fact, I hardly took advantage of the Smocking Bird's sale because I just don't need to add material to my collection.
* Making baby presents ~
* We've even succumbed and rented a storage unit because we feel as if we are getting "closer" to pulling the trigger on building our house, and we have some furniture from our grandmother's homes that just won't fit in our current location.
* Filled out kindergarten registration papers ~bittersweet feelings over that one
* Ordered pictures of my children that have been taken over the years. Yes, you read right ~ years! I have had Mary Frances, Stephen, and even Walker's pictures taken professionally at various stages by a very talented photographer in the area but did not have any {not even the proofs which are mine to keep} in frames in my home. When we did our first set Mary Frances was seven months old, and the sweet photographer told me to take my time ordering and wait until I had several sets of proofs so I could decide what I really wanted to do with them. Well I took her at her word and almost three years later put in an order from several shoots.
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