Once the shopping, baking, wrapping, and packing were completed, the car was loaded and off the five of us went to Shu Shu's. We decided to begin our trip differently this time. Typically when we head south together the children and I will load the car and pick Frank up from work only to get stuck in traffic and stop about an hour down the road to eat supper at a fast food restaurant which is not really our style. For this trip, Frank came home loaded the car and we ate left-overs out of the refrigerator before getting on the road. We did this in hopes that we would not get stuck in traffic or have to stop so that we could arrive around the same time. It worked! The children slept, I finished Walker's slide show for his first birthday, and Frank drove. We actually made it the entire way without stopping - I can't recall ever doing that with the children.

First stop, Christmas Eve Eve at YaYa and Granddaddy's house.

Sweet Uncle Bill and Aunt Anna look ready to host the masses on Christmas Eve.

The next generation, minus one.

Here is the newest member of the clan, Baylis with her Aunt Leah.

The rain broke for just a few minutes and everyone headed outside to make s'mores using Uncle Bill's new fire pit. He and Anna have worked tirelessly to prepare their house for this celebration but more important the arrival of their little one. There house looks fabulous, and the fire pit is just one example of their endeavors.

I missed it but apparently, my eldest son roasted a marshmallow like a pro. Bill was quite impressed with his technique.

Shu Shu doing what she loves best - holding the baby!

The word on the street was that Santa was nearby. The cousins looking on Dillon's phone to see where he might be.

Santa arrived and Stephen was overjoyed.

Mary Frances and Stephen set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots and parsley for Rudolph.

Christmas morning! After snuggling in bed and talking about why we celebrate Christmas and why we give gifts we made our way to see if Santa had come. And he did!

A Merry Christmas for all!
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