After putting away the Christmas decorations and picking up the living areas {kitchen, dining room, den ~ don't look at the rest} of the house, we prepared for Walker's first birthday. I can't believe my baby is one. I can't think about it too much so I just enjoy the moments.
What do you do for a one year old whose birthday falls so quickly after Christmas? For months, we have discussed what kind of birthday cake Walker should have. Mary Frances announced it should be a clown. I went with that because it seemed colorful and fun. Well, Walker had other plans. As December drew closer it became evident that doors are his favorite thing. Yes, you read correctly~ DOORS! He loves to swing any door open and closed so Frank came up with the creative idea to have a "door birthday." And so we did...
silly yes ~ dorky probably ~ creative definitely ~ memorable for sure
The day began with pancakes - Walker's favorite breakfast.
We enjoyed dinner with family ~ the five of us, Tootsie, Pops and Aunt Kydie. Walker loves lasagna ~ who doesn't?
Happy first birthday, Walker! We love you.
Now onto the next thing ~ the lake with dear old friends for New Years. We can't wait!!!