Thanksgiving has come and gone, but it is never too late to express gratitude for all that I am thankful for.
My husband

Frank ~ you are so full of life and adventure~ always dreaming and always scheming. You make each of our days fun! We have fun together and fun with our children. I look forward to growing old together.
Mary Frances
~ You are a wonder with a dear heart and a love for learning. It is fun though sometimes challenging watching you grow into your own being.

~ You have the sweetest spirit and would give anyone the shirt off of your back. You, like your father, are always up for an adventure. You know what you want and when you want it. It is wonderful to listen to your language emerge. You are constantly observing, processing, and assimilating.

~ So fun to watch your little personality emerge. You are becoming such a little person who is very attached to his mother right now. With your mobility, you are gaining independence.
My Mom

~ Thank you for all you have done for me and continue to do for me and my little family. Thank you for teaching me independence, the value of a dollar, a "can do attitude" and so much more.
My Dad and Vickie
~ Thank you for loving the time we get to spend together {albeit a bit crazy with three little ones four and under} and appreciating the effort we make to get that time.
My Mother 'N Law
~ Your ever present love for Frank, me, and our children. Thank you for your willingness to help us in any way you can, your love for life, your energy, your creativity, and especially your love for the Lord.
My Father 'N Law
~ Thank you for wanting to spend time with us ~ all of us!
Bill and Anna
~ We thank you for putting up with all of us and our craziness and are looking forward to your new arrival.
My Children's Great Grandmothers

~ What a blessing to know ones great grandparents. I am thankful for knowing three of mine, and I hope my children remember these three remarkable women.
I am also thank for for extended family, old friends, new friends, church, community, jobs, hobbies, health, and countless other blessings.
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