My sweet Stephen...The boys were finishing lunch and I was unloading the dishes. Stephen looked at me and said "you wash those." I answered, "yes, they are clean," and he responded "thank you." He is always the first to show appreciation when someone does something for him. I hope and really expect my children to say "thank you" when they receive something from someone, but this is different. Almost daily, Stephen will realize that I (or someone else - usually Frank or sometimes Tootsie) have something for him. He always acknowledges it, and then looks me in the eyes and and says "thank you!" It melts my heart each and every time. I hope he can keep this grateful spirit
and cheeks!
My sweet third child... He scoots like Mary Frances did at 9 months and has the most precious smile. Every now and then he puts both hands on the floor and his weight on his feet so it looks like he is trying to stand up. Maybe he will be my bear crawler. We finally stopped swaddling him when we put him to sleep. Hopefully that will give him more opportunities to move since he isn't confined to his papoose during sleep. Poor thing~every thing he tries to pull up on falls over on top of him. I've seen it happen with the kitchen stool and a chair. I'm trying to prevent it, but inevitably it is going to happen again.
Frank is away for the remainder of the week and I have LOTS of sewing I would love to accomplish. You know me - it won't all get done, but a girl can dream can't she. School pictures are a huge motivation! The wonderful director at my children's preschool scheduled pictures for the entire week instead of just one day. She is so kind to let me get Walker's picture taken even though he is not enrolled this year. She also said I could get the three taken together, and so I sew with a goal of Friday morning.
I am beating myself up...I've inadvertently let my teaching certificate lapse. In reality it isn't a huge deal because I was going to have to take college classes to keep it up anyway. It sounds like I will have to take three additional hours and possibly re-take the Praxis examinations. I guess this is my motivation to clean up my filing so I can get to my Praxis results, dates, and phone numbers. Say a little prayer that they will still transfer, but I'm not counting on it. I'm mad at myself for completely missing it and then frustrated that the people at the Department of Education are not very helpful. I'm trying to cut myself some slack that three children and being out of the classroom for 5 falls now counts for something, but I can't stand that I missed it. Who knows if I will ever go back to the classroom, but I want to keep my options open. I love the idea of teaching kindergarten in an inner-city district once my children are all in school.
Okay, I best go check on my big two who were sitting on the wet front steps watching the neighbors play football in our soggy front yard. Have I mentioned that I am considering building an ark?
Love the helicopters...and those sweet faces! Hope you are having a relaxing day with Frank back home!