You know you are a big dork when you have the best birthday ever when you spend a large part of the day doing volunteer work with your daughter.
Then again, when you see that her smile is this big for 4 hours in the heat with no one else she knows then you might understand why it made my day.
You see, over the years, my children have seen me leave the house or drop them at preschool early so that I can get to a Junior League meeting or participate in a Junior League event. They have even spent their share of time at the League office while I was making copies, picking up materials, or attending a meeting. Mary Frances and Stephen have even been with me to various placements over the years, but it was more out of necessity than that they could actively participate.
Saturday was different...
Mary Frances helped teach the lesson.
And she loved it!
She made a new friend and wants to go back next weekend.
I told her that I would take her to the
East Lake Farmers Market but I didn't think the
Yummy Truck would be making a second appearance.
And then we went home to eat lunch and prepare for guests to enjoy an evening of eating BBQ and watching football.
Our House Divided
I'm worried about these two when they get to Crestline...Mary Frances, who was playing school, kept sending them to the principal's office, and they thought it was the funniest thing that had ever happened to them.
As for these two... They have gotten to be friends from church, Bible study, soccer, and Crestline. It seems we might be at an age where football is really fun. Stephen and Billy played in the backyard for most of the night - back and forth they went.
Hugs and tackles...
Running, throwing, kicking, and falling.
Needless to say everyone slept well Saturday night.
A big thank you to everyone who sent birthday wishes my way. It really was the best birthday that I can ever remember...