~Happy Summer~
So sorry to leave you hanging on the goings on of our clan. Summer is here and in full swing. In my head, I've written many posts! In my head those posts are about the last week of school - "field trips" with my little ones, birthday celebrations with my big two, the sweet secretary at the elementary school and "
orange ya glad it's summer" , Field Day...
...and then more about Memorial Day Weekend at the lake with extended family, a first ski, a boat ride and dinner with fabulous friends who have three girls who match up with ours, a sewing project for a friend, the beginnings of swim team, a Barons game, a family obsession with the Braves, a small group dinner for Frank's office, running household errands with four children, another relaxing weekend at the lake, and now Vacation Bible School.
You can tell we've been a bit busy and the details of those events will likely remain in my head.
The reality is: I am lucky if I sit down at the computer long enough to respond to an e-mail and when I sit down for longer than that I better be paying bills. Furthermore, my camera hasn't been documenting the way it should. Maybe I will be better. But then again, maybe I won't.
I am however LOVING summer and the time I am spending with my family.
As for blogging and documenting our life I have to say thank goodness for Frank's phone!
Last night, Mary Frances and Stephen had their first swim meet of the year last night. It was a friendly competition against the LJCC which is just over the hill from our house. It was one of those meets where when lining up my children might have known their competitors either from school or church and I could chat with moms from the other team as I was helping with the meet. It was a relaxed, fun way to start off our season of swimming.
I know it isn't good to be proud, but last night I was really proud of both of my children. They both competed in three events and were willing to stick around to see if Coach Paige needed help with the relays.