Hello there-
I have all kinds of hesitations and reservations about Mary Frances playing softball. Mainly, 7:00 is WAY too late to begin practice! But I think it is time. For lots of reasons, I think this is a good thing, and I'm willing to load everyone up after bathing and eating in order to take Mary Frances to practice at the high school. After all, it will only be a couple of times during the season. Surely! Also, we live in a neighborhood full of children so there will be others to share the drive. It takes a village!
We have been struggling with Mary Frances whining and turning on this exaggerated {obnoxious and annoying} voice when she talks to adults. In my mind there is nothing more unbecoming than a child who whines. Particularly a six year old who is your own! Most of this is just a bad habit that we have allowed to form. Some of this stems from a lack of confidence. I hope it will be good for Mary Frances to be around a group of other girls. Older girls. The first grade league includes second and third graders, and I think we have a sweet team. Hopefully they will be good role models. The best part is that we know and love the coach, and Frank is going to help out. That should ease the sting of those 7:00 practices.