You know the rhyme:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
What you may not know is that I spent the better part of my free time this summer putting together a "nursery rhyme curriculum" for my fellow Junior League volunteers with Success by 6 to follow. This curriculum includes 9 different nursery rhymes with a circle time, craft, snack, and various other activities for our volunteers to complete with the children in their daycare center. It has more information than anyone could every complete in the few hours we visit our day care center in a month. I had fun putting it together and feel like it allowed me to use my brain and all of the components my schooling prepared me to do. I just hope that it makes the year easier on my volunteers and that the children enjoy it.
Well yesterday, I concluded my month of Humpty Dumpty activities at Greater Shiloh, and I wanted to share some images from my time with these precious children. Before you get bored, and leave me let me tell you there are two fun book picks and a "cooking" activity you can do with your own children.
Where were my children? At school...Tuesday is the one day all three of mine go to school so I have from 8:45ish until 1:45ish to myself. I would love to tell you that this time is spent accomplishing all of the tasks around my house that I need to attend to but instead thus far this time has been spent at Greater Shiloh providing enrichment activities to a 4K classroom, meeting with builders or doing other building related homework, or at the doctor.
Yesterday was no different... After taking Stephen and Walker to school, I began my day at Greater Shiloh and then went to pick out stone/tile for the house.
We had circle time where we recited and acted out Humpty Dumpty and then I read the extremely clever book
What Really Happened to Humpty? which I will tell you about later.
From circle time, the class was split into groups. One group colored their own Humpty Dumpty puppets to take home and the other group made
Egg Heads.

First, I hard-boiled some eggs and cut them in slices for the body. Then, I truly went through my refrigerator and pantry and put together an assortment of various vegetables that could be used to decorate the "eggs."

The activity was well received and the children had a ball decorating and eating their "egg heads." They were great about being willing to try new foods. Some liked them...some did not!

Now for the books... Each of the nursery rhyme units is accompanied by a book list. The list contains books that can be read with the selected nursery rhyme. While at the library with my own chickadees a few weeks ago, I came across this clever little book.
This author had real vision... Go check it out and see how many other nursery rhyme or classic storybook characters you can count. There are lots of allusions! My goal is to read each of the alluded to books to my students at Greater Shiloh!