It is hard for me to believe that five years ago today we welcomed this precious baby into the world.

As we welcomed Baby Sarah into the world four months ago, I was reminded that there is nothing like that first child. That is not to say that the subsequent children are less special or less joyful because they certainly are not. They are equally as wonderfully and loved equally as much. They are just different! With your first, you are all learning so much and it is truly bliss ~
When I think back over those five years tears fill my eyes and my heart overflows with joyous memories ~ to many to recount here. Those five years have been wonderful, and I look forward to many more. We have done so much as a family, and I hold so many of those precious memories close. So much of this time I want to bottle up and remember forever! The time has certainly been filled with "the good stuff."
We celebrated Mary Frances' 5th birthday today. We began the day with "sunrise yogurt" per request of the birthday girl. Choosing the meals of the day is one of the things we do in our house to set your birthday apart from other days and to hopefully make you feel special.

And then mundane chores ~ changing sheets, laundry, the grocery store.
But then the fun began ~ we attended a
playgroup for mothers of preschool children. This particular playgroup is hosted by our church and began by meeting at area parks twice a month. We go when we can! As the heat index soars above 100 degrees, we have taken the group indoors for the summer. Today the group met at
The Pink House. For those of you who are not local that is the location of one of the area Kindermusik classes.

We took pink cupcakes with silver sprinkles to add to the snack. {They reminded me of the year we made pink cupcakes and
Pinkalicious to the YWCA.} It was fun to take cupcakes to "class." Having a summer birthday means you never get to take cupcakes to school, so it was a special treat.

From Kindermusik we went to daddy's office for a picnic. We love taking picnics downtown! Though this wasn't of the homemade variety ~ It was an extra special birthday treat ~ Chick-fil-a! It was even a treat for mommy and daddy because the children had coupons from signing up for summer reading at the library. As we were eating, Frank allowed that the coupons were better than anticipated ~ Not only did the children get nuggets and fries but also lemonade and ice cream! {I'm curious...How many of those do you think get redeemed at that particular Chick-fil-a?}

Now home to prepare for the birthday dinner...
the menu ~ In her words, "Mommy, I want you to make some of the things and not make some of the things for my birthday." Here is what that translated to: mommy's chicken tenders, not mommy's mac 'n cheese {Stouffers}, and corn on the cob, and then mommy had to had some green beans for good measure
the table ~ covered with butcher paper, scattered with crayons and stickers, and adorned with zinnias from the garden ~ I found it fitting that my eldest child, who loves to learn, scattered letter stickers around every guests place and across the table.

the cake ~ an artist palette with paint brush ~ not my best effort but the children enjoyed it.

{Just so you know ~ the blob of white and red is supposed to be pink. The birthday girl really wanted some pink on the cake.} The particularly enjoyed playing with the icing after I was finished with the decorating.

the gifts ~ my daughter's simple excitement over the little things brings a smile to my face over and over again ~ all she asked for were "pink shoes with "Z"s on them for kindergarten" {If you aren't in the world of young children those are the pink new balance sneakers Mary Frances has seen around the halls of her preschool for the better part of two years.}

Along the theme of "back to school" she also received a new "big girl" backpack, lunch box and a hot pink headband with a bow {something else she has seen at school and asked for}. Her smile was priceless!

Truly, I think she was excited over those simple, mostly necessary gifts as she was over the bicycle and helmet she received last year. There was a sprinkling of other gifts and they all brought sheer joy ~ artsy activities from Dear and Aunt Kydie, a new dress from Shu Shu and a pearl for her add-a-pearl necklace from Bill and Anna. We can all learn from this little girl!
She is a delight and a joy ~
Happy 5th Birthday Mary Frances!

I'm not sure why five seems more momentous than other numbers...maybe it is because she is starting Kindergarten. She's ready! I'm ready! We are all excited, but we sure are going to miss her next year...